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This discipline remains a major element of sharing between the Venables families and the Venablois. Currently a historical research of the genealogy of ancestry of Gilbert de Venables is carried out in France by Patrick Lequette. Concerning the genealogy of Gilbert's descendants, we propose to you in un  first the construction of a tree of branches which will allow in a second time  the insertion of the different family genealogies.


To build this genealogy of branches, we suggest that you rely on three authors:


  • Sir Peter LEYCESTER: English historian 1614-1678 author of “Les pedigrees du Cheshire”.


  • George ORMEROD: English Historian 1785-1873


  • Katherine GEARHART: American genealogist author of: “The Barons of Kinderton»



  1. Are these authors historical references for you?

  2. Which authors do you want to include?

  3. Give your opinion on this subject?

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