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Middlewich/Venables Cultural Relations

1996 - 1997: During the III Convention Franck and Ailsa Venables proposed a school exchange with the school of St Mary of Amersham. The “Gilbert de Venables” Cultural Center and the teaching team led by Emmanuel and Joëlle Caillé responded favorably with the support of the parents of the students not only for their children to go to Great Britain, but also to receive two English schoolchildren . In order to finalize all the modalities of this exchange, Joëlle, Emmanuel Caillé and Catherine Bouvier went to Amersham in February 97. Crossing the Channel on April 11, 97, the crossing from Le Havre to Portsmouth, although long, was wonderful, it was the opportunity for the children to leave their families and take the boat for the first time. As soon as they disembarked, “the Venabloise colony” headed to Brighton to discover the royal pavilion with its exotic architecture and the very lively seafront on this beautiful day.  Finally, the time for the meeting arrived: tired but happy, the French schoolchildren were welcomed by their British counterparts, everyone gathered around a snack before hearing Roy's words of welcome. Then the children left to live with their families for their first contact with life in England.


1998 : These were the preparations to welcome the children of Amersham. Joining forces, parents, members of the Municipal Council, Members of the CCGVenables and teachers prepared for the Pentecost weekend. From Saturday May 17, all the students invaded the schoolyard to wait for their correspondents. Finally, the swarm of schoolchildren came running to welcome the young English people who were somewhat tired after such a long journey. After storing their luggage in a safe place, they were invited to have a snack in the mobile classroom, where fruit juice and cakes prepared by the parents awaited them. Everyone then went to their families to settle down and take a little rest. Then everyone met at 8 p.m. in the Village Hall to enjoy the meal prepared by the mothers of the ACSV team. This was the occasion for a few words of welcome and an interesting exchange between the children and adults... The next day, gathered in the mobile room, the students were invited to a history lesson prepared by Catherine and Emmanuel, in addition , students received a folder containing information and games relating to the monuments visited during the day. Château-Gaillard steeped in Anglo-Norman history. Mortemer and its abbey populated with legends where a crepe meal awaited fierce appetites. In the afternoon, visit a pretty 17th century castle where the children were able to admire a magnificent collection of dolls and old toys. The next morning, it was already time to say goodbye. We left each other exchanging addresses, with poorly contained emotion. This exchange owes its success to the goodwill of all the host families, to the logistics of CCGVenables, to the action of teachers and volunteers, to the motivation of all the children, but above all to the tenacity and enthusiasm of Ailsa and Franck Venables, may they be sincerely thanked for their kindness and their tremendous dynamism. Auteur: Emmanuel Caillé


2000-2001 : Following these first exchanges, conversations via the Internet began between Patrick Lequette, Deputy Mayor and Administrator of the Cultural Center, and T.J Strickland Director for Gifford, Consultant for the Historical Heritage of Middlewich. These first conversations focus on the historical and common past of the two communities. March 29 to April 1, 2002. Trip to England: Venablois undertook a trip to London to meet the English Venable Families. We were welcomed in Portsmouth by Robert Venables then in London Ailsa, Frank Venables and Fiona (our guide) for the visit of the Capital. Fiona shows us the main monuments and picturesque neighborhoods of London. Changing of the guard and crossing on foot of St James’s Park where the squirrels come to eat from your hands. The afternoon is devoted to visiting the Tower of London where the past emerges at every step, and where the crown jewels on display shine brightly.

An excellent evening was organized by the Venables families. Speeches, songs and toasts punctuated this unforgettable evening.  Sunday March 31: we walked the streets of the university city of Oxford guided by our British friends. Renowned colleges, old houses and sites steeped in history presented themselves to our amazed eyes. After crossing the English countryside, lush as can be, we arrived in Bath, a spa town. This time it was Hélène our guide who explained to us in great detail the development of the city and its world-famous architectural style (city listed by UNESCO). It is 4 p.m., we leave for the Avon plain where the megalithic site of Stonehenge stands. These stones erected by the hand of man since the dawn of time invite us to meditate on the meaning and reasons for such construction. Return to Portsmouth on Sunday evening to take the ferry, the starting point and end of our trip for our English getaway. Auteur: Emmanuel Caillé


Le 2 et 3 avril 2005: Reception at Venables by  T.J Strickland  Director for Gifford and wife Rosie. This visit reinforces the desire to continue further the principle of establishing cultural exchanges between the two communities. Tim is a researcher who works particularly on the Gallo-Roman period. The territory of Middlewich is rich in vestiges of this period. Queen Elizabeth II personally presented Tim with a high distinction for his energy and work for the various archaeological research undertaken by his association.

Why Middlewich? this town of 7,000 inhabitants is located in the north of England near Manchester in the county of Cheshire. The link between our two communities is Gilbert de Venables, which takes us back to the 11th century and 1066, when Gilbert, who owned the stronghold of Venables, enlisted in the host of the Duke of Normandy with his neighbors William and Hugues de la Mare and Raoul II de Tosny. William the Conqueror as promised, grants land to those who followed him. Gilbert will inherit the County of Kinderton which is located near Middlewich. William de la Mare is killed at Hastings, Hugues will receive an estate north of Middlewich. Raoul de Tosny will receive five estates in the counties of Berkshire, Hertfordshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and Norfolk. This first meeting made it possible to highlight the historical points which link the two communities and the desire of both parties to collaborate all their energies and carry out together a project of exchange and promotion of our common history.


Le 9 et 10 Juillet 2005: Reception at Venables of William “Chalky” WHITE Mayor of Middlewich and his wife Allison, Jonathan Williams general secretary of Middlewich Town Council and his sister Philippa. This visit confirms the wishes of elected officials from both communities to initiate a process of cultural exchange. At the request of the Mayor of Middlewich, the afternoon was devoted to visiting the Town of Vernon. You should know that the current Baron of Kinderton is a descendant of Gilbert de Venables. The ancestors of the Vernon Family also accompanied William the Conqueror in 1066 and established roots in Cheshire. On Sunday morning, Mr. Jean–Marie Drouet, Mayor of Venables, officially received his English colleague at the Town Hall. After the speeches and the signing of the guestbook, discussions began to outline the framework for our future cultural rapprochement in the educational and associative fields.


17-18 Septembre 2005 : Middlewich Norman Festival: From September 17 and 18, 2005, Middlewich organized the “Norman festival”, as part of the Norman heritage on English soil and in particular in the county of Cheshire. To commemorate these historic events, Venables families as well as a delegation from the town of Venables were invited to this festival. Seven Venablois representatives went there, led by Patrick Lequette, promoter of relations between the village and the Venables families, and Jean-Marie Drouet, Mayor. They received a particularly warm welcome. A weekend well filled with a detailed tour of the city site led and commented by Mayor Williams “Chalky” White himself. The festivities began in the presence of a large audience despite mixed weather. A costumed parade preceded the official opening of the festival by the Mayor of Middlewich, and in the presence of the direct descendant of Gilbert de Venables and Lord Vernon, current Baron of Kinderton. During these two days, professional actors produced a colorful spectacle of medieval jousting, tournaments, falconry, battle reconstruction on the theme of the war between the Normans and the Saxons and a large medieval market. Saturday evening, a warm reception was specially organized in honor of the Venablois and the Venables families. We can only congratulate the organizers and in particular  Jonathan Williams General Secretary of Middlewich Town Council. During the 2 days of the festival, the Venablois held a stand, with documentation and a slideshow presenting our village, its history and its current environment, making it possible to meet the expectations of the English Venables on their past and their Norman heritage, artistic works of our heritage made in Venables by Venabloises as well as some samples of our famous cheeses were particularly appreciated. On Sunday morning during a religious ceremony we were pleased to meet the Venables families who are old acquaintances because they have already participated in the international meetings of the Venables families organized every 5 years in Venables. The visit to the church allowed us to discover that many other Norman families settled in Cheshire after 1066.  Discussions were held on the future Convention of Venables which will take place from July 13 to 16, 2006 and at which Middlewich will participate. These two days allowed us to jointly study the establishment of exchanges which could enable the Venablois to develop enriching contacts not only with the descendants of Gilbert de Venables, but also with the inhabitants of Middlewich. Bonds of friendship can be forged and give rise to exchanges.


Réunion des 25 et 26 février 2006 à Venables : Tim Strickland Director of  GIFFORD and Partner heritage consultant for Middlewich Town Council. Jonathan Williams General Secretary of Middlewich Town Council. Patrick Lequette Deputy Mayor, Administrator of the “Gilbert de Venables” Cultural Center. Francis Meyer Councilor and representative of the Municipal Council of Venables four subjects were on the agenda:

-Define the means of historical exchange between the two communities

-Participation of the Town of Middlewich in the 5th convention

-Thoughts on Venables' proposals for future exchanges  

-Drafting of the Cultural Exchange Charter.


2008 : Second participation of a Venabloise delegation at the Norman Festival in Middlewich. Publication of the book “Normans at Middlewich and Venables” written jointly by Tim Strickland and Patrick Lequette. Hanging of the tapestry made jointly by the children of Middlewich and Venables retracing the life of Gilbert de Venables on the ground of each community. Visit to Sainte Anne school in Middlewich to discuss the possibility of school exchanges with Venables elementary school. July 13 to 17, 2011: 5th World Convention of Venables Families: Mr. Jean-Marie Drouet the Mayor officially received on the steps of the town hall the Venables Families and a delegation of 14 people under the presidency of Jane Eton Mayor of Middlewich, Jonathan Williams Secretary General of Middlewich Town Council and Tim Strickland Director of  GIFFORD and Partner. This ceremony continued in the village hall, in the presence of official representatives of our region including Deputy François Loncle and Mr. Jean-luc Recher President of the Community of Communes E.M.S. The speeches and the presentation of gifts will be followed by a reception, served on the esplanade of the sun-drenched village hall.

Sunday July 16 in a more formal setting but in a relaxed and serene atmosphere, the delegations from Venables and Middlewich met to attend a mass officiated by Father Deloger and the music of Ailly.  The Charities of Venables, Villers sur le Roule, Ailly and Tosny had donned their ceremonial costume for the occasion. At 11 a.m. Jeanne Ethon Mayor of Middlewich and Jean-Marie Drouet Mayor of Venables signed the official Charter of Friendship between our two municipalities.


13 au 16 juillet 2011 :  6th World Convention of Venable Families: Jean-Marie Drouet officially receives all the participants in front of the Town Hall. Patrick Lequette, Administrator of the Cultural Center, opened the 6th convention in the presence of Mr. François Loncle, Member of Parliament and Mr. Jean-Rémi Ermont, General Councilor. Isabelle Clermont President of the ACSV presented welcome gifts to the Venables families and the Middlewich delegation.


13 au 16 juillet 2016 :  7th World Convention of Venable Families  A team of 45 people supervised by Patrick Lequette, Mayor of Venables, mobilized for several months to receive their guests bearing the name of the village for the 7th time. They arrived from England, Ireland, the United States, Canada and Australia as well as a delegation from Middlewich. For this event, 18 Venabloise families got involved in providing accommodation for Venables families.


27 au 1er juillet 2023 : 8th World Convention of Venable Families  Since 1986, the Convention meeting has been held every five years but Covid has deprived the entire planet of any travel and regrouping and the long-awaited 8th convention was finally held in July 2023 for the happiness of all. at 3 p.m., the first Venables Families and a delegation from Middlewich arrive at reception. A tea room is open and offers drinks and cakes and allows for the first chats and improbable meetings with a new member of the large Venables family. The blue sky and the sun were unable to join in the official welcome ceremony and it was in the middle of the guard of honor and the applause of the Venablois that the Families were welcomed into the school buildings arranged for the occasion in the colors of Gilbert. Patrick Lequette, President of the CCGV welcomes the families to the lands of their famous ancestor and declares open the 8th Convention of Venables Families. Jean-Marie Drouet, Honorary Mayor, gave a moving speech on the history of the Conventions and Joris Benier, Mayor of Les Trois Lacs, affirmed in his name and that of the elected officials present the attachment of the new commune to the cultural character and sustainability of the event.

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