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Archaeological prospecting of the soils of the village of Venables near the river has revealed the settlement of Celtic tribes during the Hallstatt period (9th to 4th century BC). These tribes will integrate into a more or less nomadic protohistoric population.


During the second Celtic migration of the La Tène period, tribes will take possession of the lands located in the meander of the Seine and initially settle in the current hamlet of La Mare sous Venables near the river. The occupation of the belvedere which dominates the whole meander will be done during the period of Independent Gaul, future site of the town center of the village.


The Celts were polytheists, they worshiped many deities who were originally gods of vegetation, war and at the same time tutelary (protective) deities. This Celtic culture will influence the first terminology of the name of the village. This one will evolve according to the history of the village to become a name of international renown.


  • VENABELEN by the word VEN designates a mountain and BELEN designates the sun god of the Celts.

  • VENATIO in Latin  designates a hunting ground.

  • VENERIS temple dedicated to Venus.

  • VENA designates a vein (vein of metal, thread of water).

  • VENABULUM means a hunter's spear.


In the 13th century, the administrative and military center of the village was called VENABLIS and VENABULA


CCGVenables  - Place de la Libération - Venables 27940  LES TROIS LACS  - France 


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Updated: 25/09/2024
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